Gorée Island and The Door of No Return

***Due to Power Outages (that apparently happen all over Africa all the time) there were many technical difficulties posting this last night :)…alas here it is today, one day late.  These events occurred yesterday, Sept. 27.  As a note, as I write this there is Xmas music playing in the background….hmmm *** Although I was tired when…

I am in AFricKa :)!

My first full day of this 2 month sojourn is officially complete!  And, geez, did it beat expectations! Few Senegal Fun Facts: Languages Spoken:  Wolof, French and not enough English 🙂 (oh wow am I having to learn French phrases fast!) Population in Dakar:  5 million souls Population in Senegal: 14 Million Independance Earned in 1960….


Waiting to Board Flight to Dakar

Here are 2 Jen Factoids:  I hate red eyes and I am horrible at dealing with jet lag!  AND here I am exhausted at JFK airport from last night’s red eye only to board yet another red eye :)!  Brilliant! My fellow passengers are starting to accumulate around me there are a lot of regal Senegalese women in beautiful and…